Our Causes
"Caring Hearts Charity is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of children worldwide, focusing on vital causes such as health, education, and financial support for everyday needs"
It provides children with essential knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for navigating the complexities of modern society.
Financial support ensures that children have enough food to eat every day, access to clean water, and adequate clothing to protect them from the elements
About Us
Our mission is simple yet profound: to provide a safe, caring environment and quality education so every child can reach their full potential, no matter their circumstances.

Arise Ministries
Welcome to Arise Ministries Children’s Home, it is a residential facility. It caters to children ages 0 through 18 years, both male and female.
- The organization helps every child entrusted to its care to attain basic rights of security, protection, and development for wholesome growth through the following programs: Spiritual Values and Formation, Socio Development, Health and Medical Care, Formal and Nonformal Education, Recreational Activities, Guidance and Counseling, Social Services, Psychological Services, Homelife Services, and Independent Living Services.
Arise Ministries Children’s Home was first envisioned when the founders Jack and Tammy Fairweather witnessed young children ages 6 to 8 going to sleep on the streets by themselves in 2006. Jack Fairweather attained a Master of Divinity Degree at Denver Seminary to better prepare for the theological background for the organization.
“Serving Improverished Children & Families in the Philippines”
Arise Children's Home
Vision /Mission and Philosophy of the Agency
Arise Ministries is a non-profit organization that envisions the realization of each child to achieve their full potential in God’s Kingdom and Philippines society and where children are protected in regard to their rights, equality, spirituality, health, family and their environment for their total development and wellbeing.
Arise Ministries Children’s Home’s mission is to promote and protect the welfare of every child in their care through the provision of residential care for the prevention of abuses against children and the rehabilitation of those who were abused or neglected to promote their physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social development.
Arise Ministries is a residential program for children that functions as an agent of change for the physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social aspects of children for a better, stronger, more spirited society in the Philippines.
We believe that ministry to children at risk is most effective when it identifies and addresses each child's unique physical, psychological, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Arise Ministries C639+FX5, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro
+1 5589 55488 55s